The Boss is Away Sale RULES
The Boss is Away HUGE SALE is presented by The Boss is Away Gacha Sale & Trade Group. ○ That means you have to be in group to get into the sale location & as a group member you have the rights to rez & sell. This is the group: secondlife:///app/group/2faaa94c-48da-d3ac-cd84-d5c139bd8dd1/about The sale will be open from September 22nd to October 6th. (closing hour will be announced last day). BE SURE you are aware of ALL these rules. If you break any rules, you will be banned from the sale sim & all your items will be returned. You will never be able to come any other Boss is Away sales if you get banned from the group. THESE RULES ARE MOSTLY FOR SELLERS, BUT PLEASE BUYERS READ THEM ONCE, TOO. ○ REZ AS MANY ITEMS AS YOU WANT but keep reading to see how/where to do this and what will require you to box it. If there is no room to rez, you have to wait until there is space. We don't think we will have a problem like that. ○ 19L commons only, and 199L for rares are accepted only. If you break this MOST IMPORTANT rule, you will be banned from the sim.
○ If we see something that is not fit with this yard sale, we will return those items. Be careful. Only gacha items are allowed to be sold here. Don't try to fool people OR us (we have a good knowledge about gacha items). ○ If you don't have the photo for the gacha item, to make it sold easier, you may try to find the texture from the key organizer HUD in the package you got for free, just wear it (may be a bit unorganized if it's not an Arcade item). If you are not able to find the texture, check the item box, as some creators put the texture in boxes. Or you can use the default texture given by us for your boxes which you can find in the equipment box sent out in the group/located in the landing point. ○ In The Boss is Away equipment box you will find "Name the box script". This does just what it says! It auto names your box for you and the script will also delete itself automatically after you add the item. Put the script in the box first, then the item. Use this script to name your boxes faster. Easy stuff is always fun! ○ Don't make boxes bigger than 0.5 x 0.5 meters sizes. Don't stack boxes more than 3 boxes in height - we want people to be able to see everything. ○ Be respectful to others, don't fight & don't cover others' items. Please allow a little time for rezzing to occur. Since there may be 1000's of items here it can take a little time, so please let the place rez or you might be rezzing on top of someone else's things without realising it. ○ Do not be disrespectful to or mute any staff (names of staff are listed lower down here). If you do this, it is an instant ban from here and the group. Communication is important and absolutely necessary incase we need to contact you. ○ ALL commons should be rezzed on the tables or in front of the tables if there is space (please don't fill walk ways), and please box most of your commons because they don't don't look good rezzed on tables. ;) If they are large or if they are more than 5Li they have to be boxed. ○ You can rez builds/prefabs in the large area... unless they are more than 100Li. If they are more than this please box them. ○ If you put empty boxes for sale, you know how it works. (= ○ Don't lag others. Check your avatar's script count. This place may create lots of lag because of lots of items rezzed, we don't want you to add more. Right click on your avatar, see 'script info'. If there is more than 70 scripts running or more than 5000KB memory, you will lag here like hell when crowded. Please be careful about this, it is also for your own good. ○ If you still have items rezzed after we send the last notice on the last day to take your items on July 6th, they will be returned. You may usually find returned objects in your lost and found folder but it is worth saying that since gacha is no copy, it can be lost when it is returned especially if you are offline. So please collect your items to avoid any risk. We aren't responsible for any items lost because you did not pick them up in time. THIS SALE WILL BE REPEATED, STAY IN GROUP AND CHECK NOTICES IF YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THEM!!! Contact these people if you need: OxfordLennox June Marais Roja Larnia Emilia Darkwatch China Falmer (not worker- she just has the land rights) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incase you experience lag when shopping, here are some tips to minimise it... ○ Try a relog first - it may fix it as easy as that! ○ If the relog does not work... Go to your preferences, then graphics tab. ○ Put your performance to medium or maybe even medium-low if your lag is very bad. ○ Make your draw distance 80m or less. ○ Make max particle count 0. ○ Put Maximum Complexity to 20,000. (This is only possible with detaching the things you wear) ○ Max # of non-imposter avatars 1. ○ Post process quality low. ○ Avatar physics to minimum. ○ You may also turn down flexiprims, trees, avatars and terrain.