The Boss is Away Gacha Sale & Trade Group Rules and FAQ
As you join to this group, we call you 'Boss'. Touch to join
We provide some useful group gifts like scripts, gacha key textures, random gacha machines or stands to use in your places. This group encouraging people to have their own places to sell their extra gachas. You can find the group gifts here.
I personally thought every boss would love to care about the group, but the things showed us the opposite. We are easy on rules in our group, but we want to keep the group away from scammers or griefers. For this reason we added a 1L symbolic fee.
Second thing, we want our group safe, fresh and exciting for everyone. This is not a rule but for all sellers it is better to keep their yard sales fresh, so keep their posts fresh. If you call for 3L gachas and people can't find any 3L gachas there, they won't visit your place again. So please be clear and exciting on your posts. Not with the symbols you use on your messages, with the items you will have the desired visiter number.
You need to have a tag to join chat or send notices in the group. Please contact the group owners OxfordLennox or June Marais. (=
Our rules are easy:
You are the boss and away. (= Just be kind to others Be Kind
Keep your posts gacha related only Gachas! Only!
KEEP SPAMS SHORT (9 lines max with blank lines, title & LM) Keep it Easy
No begging Do not beg
Do not send notices after chat (they both come to chat wall) No dupes
Do not spam repeatedly in an hour Don't be boring
Bots can't be bosses as all you know No bots
No other group advertisements! No groups
Marketplace links are allowed MP welcome
Gacha Event owners are welcome to advertise Yes! More events!
I joined the group, now what will I do?
Contact to owners of the group to join chat or send notices.
Why joining is 1 L and why a tag needed to join chat and send notices?
Simple. To protect you.
What happens if I break the rules?
We are usually go easy and trying not to warn minimal mistakes.Nobody will warn you because you posted a 10 lines spam (just do not continue to do that). If you are a continious rule breaker, you better leave it. (= If you didn't like the first warning and continued your act, your chat/notice tag will be taken for 1 day. On your next mistake, it will be taken for 1 week. And we hope you won't repeat it. Because you will never be able to get your tag back then.
Meh! Why will I stay then?
We sometimes do The Boss is Away Sales. For info you may want to check this page. You can only access to the full sim area to shop while you are in the group. You can also sell your gachas there while the sale is ongoing. We did this several times and we will continue. Just please read the rules.
Why do you stop others sending notices?
While the sale is closing, resellers on the area must catch the important notices, so we stop sending notices only the last day of the sale, or it may be a security alert. Otherwise notices are always turned on.
Who are the Locator HUD Approved people?
We have got a Gacha Locator HUD which is a free advertisement inworld HUD for the private and public gacha yard sales. Owners of the listed yard sales have that group tag.
How can they send notices even when notices are turned off?
It is a privilage for the people who support us. They have the locator HUD giver in their yard sales to make more people use the HUD. It's a win-win.
I want to be the Superman of my Yard Sale. How will I join to this locator HUD?
Please read this page.
I am banned from the group. Why?
You must have done something bad. If you can say YES to any of those below, you found the reason.
I used a nasty language in the group.
I tangled with with an officer.
I didn't hassled with someone but I don't like the officer and I blocked her.
I cheat in gacha.
I helped someone to cheat.
I have stolen content in my yard sale.
Where is the fun?
We love chatty people. Wherever you are in, and wherever others don't mess up with your fun. Others don't have to get annoyed by the people who cannot even have their sh*t together. That's what the rules are for.